Uruguay will hold its first blockchain summit

The Blockchain Summit Uruguay will take place on September 5 in the capital. It will address issues related to the crypto ecosystem and blockchain technology

The first edition of the Blockchain Summit Uruguay will be held in Montevideo on September 5th. Guest specialists will analyze topics such as cryptocurrencies and the current financial market, blockchain technology, economic development, among others.

The organizers of the congress are Ignacio Varese, Giancarlo Caputto and Germán Tugores. The list of sponsors includes technology experts and their application to the financial world such as IBMConsenSys, Fundación NEM.

During the planned conference cycle, topics such as blockchain applications in various areas of national life, regulatory measures adopted in other countries, as well as some measures taken within the Uruguayan normative context will be addressed.

Attendees will be able to participate in a workshop that Synergy CryptoAdviser will dictate on September 6th about cryptocurrency transactions and the dynamics of the different markets.

The organizers hope that the congress will have a positive impact on the national level, to position Uruguay in the crypto ecosystem.


Source: Diario Bitcoin

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