Mobile phone users would be migrating to basic devices
Dumb phones, as opposed to smartphones, are reappearing on the market due to the trend of consumers seeking to reduce the time they use applications to have a better quality of life
The time mobile phone users spend per day checking networks, applications and the Internet is estimated at more than seven hours. But there are those who are migrating to dumb phones, or without apps, in order to have more time for themselves and family.
Cell phones from approximately 20 years ago allowed you to send and receive text and voice messages, in addition to making and receiving calls. With the leap to digital devices, the Internet connection was implemented and applications and social networks arrived.
The dependence on this connection was not long in coming. Given this, companies like Nokia have relaunched models that were a success in the past and reappear with higher resolution screens and cameras, batteries that last much longer, as well as a basic Internet connection.
The so-called “dumb phones” are a “new trend to reduce time using devices.” A study conducted in Colombia recorded data through January of this year and placed the country in fifth place in the region in terms of time spent in front of a mobile phone screen, behind Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Argentina.
Hence, many users are searching for “alternatives to avoid the constant use of mobile devices, such as purchasing a cell phone that only includes basic functions and does not generate greater addiction.”
It has been found that due to the time people spend swiping the cell phone screen they can suffer from tendonitis, numbness of the muscles in the neck and arms, visual fatigue, beyond isolation and loss of socialization.
Users who have become aware of the fact are migrating to basic mobile devices, so that they can invest in themselves, family and friends the time they currently spend checking WhatsApp, Instagram or TikTok.
Source: portafolio
(Reference image source: wtrsnvc _ in Unsplash)
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