Linux on alert for ransomware against cryptominers

Cybercriminals, who frequently use cloud environments to carry out their attacks, have focused on attacking those hosted on the operating system with ransomware

Cloud environments, which in most cases run on the Linux operating system, have become a target for cybercriminals, through threats that are increasingly targeting this system, such as “ransomware” or cryptominers.

This was warned by the cybersecurity company VMware in its report “Exposing malware in multi-cloud environments based on Linux”, in which it indicates that “Linux is a central part of the digital infrastructure and is quickly becoming the entry ticket from an attacker to the multi-cloud environment.

Among the main conclusions of the investigation, experts denounce the use of malware by cybercriminals to infect cloud environments based on Linux.

The most recent trends in operating system cyberattacks include the use of new types of ransomware that target this system to attack the mechanisms that manage work in virtual environments.

VMware also analyzed what are known as cryptominers, which infect a device or network to mine cryptocurrencies that go to the attackers, something for which in 89% of the incidents they use the Monero currency through XMRig libraries.

Source: dpa

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