Italy releases warnings on Binance

The Italian Stock and Companies Commission restricted any type of operations with the cryptocurrency exchange

The Italian Companies and Stock Market Commission (Consob) released a statement to inform that Binance Group and affiliated companies do not have any authorization to operate within Italy.

“In any case, it is important for investors to be informed that transactions in instruments related to crypto assets may pose risks that are not immediately noticeable due to their complexity, high volatility, as well as security vulnerabilities,” Consob noted.

On the other hand, they mentioned the legal implications that operating with would have, so in this situation they urge you to be careful when making an investment.

Italy has joined the growing number of countries that have issued a public warning regarding the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trade volume.

It should be remembered that the Asian company is going through a process of class action by a group of Italian investments and other countries for alleged damages and prejudices caused by the operations of Binance.

K. Tovar

Source: Ámbito

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