German automotive industry towards technological transformation

German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer has already met with different automotive industry players, as well as public transportation organizations, air, sea and rail

The German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer, from the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU), met with executives from the automobile sector in the so-called “automobile summits”, but also had direct telephone communications or meetings with the directors of companies such as Volkswagen and Daimler.

According to the list, the Minister of Transportation met only once with representatives of environmental organizations, during a parliamentary meeting of the “National Future Mobility Platform” (PNM) at the end of January 2020. Representatives were also present at this event. of the automotive industry.

For her part, a spokeswoman for the Transport Ministry stated that Scheuer was in constant contact with representatives of a wide range of interests. In addition to the auto industry, it included rail companies, public transport companies and associations, the rail industry association, representatives of the cycling lobby and air and maritime transport.

The spokesperson pointed out that the main objective of the conversations with the automotive industry and, above all, with its suppliers, is to accompany the transformation of the industry in the development of propulsion technologies that respect the climate.

Kindler called Scheuer a “minister of the automobile lobby” and criticized him for being available day and night to the heads of car companies, while ignoring environmental associations.

The deputy noted that in recent years Scheuer fought vehemently against climate protection goals for the automotive industry and a rapid transition to electromobility.

Source: dpa

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