“Beca a un pana” reaches six universities and seeks to add others

The Beca a un pana initiative has been providing training opportunities for a decade, on the road to excellence

In an interview granted to Unión Radio, the executive director of “Beca a un Pana”, Nicola Yammine, explained that this social program with a focus on higher education and excellent students who require help to complete their studies, emerged from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), and it was extended to six national universities, in order to guarantee the education of a friend or colleague.

More than a decade dedicated to scholarship dreams

The initiative is active in the sphere of the UCAB in Caracas and Guayana, the Metropolitan University (Unimet), the Santa Maria University (USM) in all its locations, the Catholic University of Táchira, the Monte Ávila University (UMA), and the Rafael Belloso Chacín University in Zulia.

“Beca a un pana” was born at UCAB as a student group and since then it has been formalized as a civil association, which has been expanding to other universities. Today we are in six universities in eight states of the country, updated Yammine

During the interview with Esteninf Olivarez and Luis Miguel Núñez for Unión Radio, Nicola Yammine pointed out that they estimate and want more schools to join this initiative, which materializes the dream of students without economic resources for their training.

In its fundraising campaign, some ways to obtain funds are the organization of charity dinners, the well-known “Becazo” of the UCAB, the sale of bracelets, children’s books, among others.

But Beca a un Pana has also achieved and maintains some institutional alliances with prestigious companies and other associations, reinforcing the collection of donations.

How to get more information to apply and donate?

Making contact through… Instagram and Twitter: @becaunpana / Email: contacto@becaunpana.org / Web: becaunpana.org.

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Source: elsumario

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