WHO seeks to improve healthcare around the world

During the recent World Health Assembly, a new eHealth strategy was proposed

The main objectives of the World Health Organization include promoting healthy diet and practicing physical activity, collecting data and transmitting knowledge, eradicating chronic diseases and providing quality health care to all populations around the world.

The latter was the focus of attention during the recent World Health Assembly, during which the global strategy of digital health, eHealth as it is currently known, was rethought. It is just an acknowledgment of the use of the most advanced technologies to support health systems in all countries.

They also seek the promotion of programs in favor of welfare and health in general, primary assistance and monitoring of cases remotely, transfer of laboratory samples through drones and professional evaluation with androids.

These are specific issues of the health sector that would allow improving current policies and procedures as well as opening doors to innovative, efficient and lower-cost ways in the medium term.

Taking into account the assets that are currently available, WHO focuses on the development of protocols that allow for high technological development in favor of the people and especially the most needy populations.


Source: Salud Digital

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