WHO: Cash does not transmit coronavirus
The World Health Organization denied the report published by the British media, which states that Covid-19 would be linked to the handling of money in paper money
The World Health Organization (WHO) denied a report released by British members, which states that the UN agency had linked the coronavirus to cash.
Fadela Chaib, spokesperson for this organization, indicated through electronic media that the United Nations never claimed that the money was transmitting Covid-19.
The spokeswoman sought to clarify comments on a widely quoted article in the UK media that the WHO said that “the banknotes may be spreading the new coronavirus” and that “customers should wash their hands after touching the banknotes because the infectious virus can cling to the surface for several days.”
This report, among other things, asks customers to manage electronic channels in these times when much of the world has entered preventive quarantine.
The WHO said that “the disease can spread from person to person through small drops from the nose or mouth that spread when a person with Covid-19 coughs or exhales”, and recommends staying more than a meter away from a sick person.
K. Tovar
Source: El Sumario