WeFintech Network brings together fintech women leaders in Latin America

The city of Madrid was the epicenter of the launch of the #WeFintech network, with the participation of more than 12 prominent women in the Fintech ecosystem from more than 20 countries

It is a fact that the number of women leading Fintech companies currently reaches one third compared to the male spectrum. Although the percentage of female empowerment continues to grow, there is still a long way to go.

An encouraging news in this regard has been the launch in Madrid, Spain, of the network wefintech.org, which brings together leading women from the fintech universe from more than 20 countries.

Among the figures that the group manages, provided by IDB & Finnovista about women in the fintech universe, it is stressed that at least 80% of companies have a female member, 35% have a woman as a founder and 30% are part of the labor force in Latin America. The negative aspect is that 15% receive less funding than companies founded by men.

In Spain, the figures indicate that 11% of women perform as CEO in the fintech universe, 57% of the workforce is made up of women, 83% occupy senior management positions and 71% have had to double the effort for Highlight and receive recognition. During the launch of the #MefTech – Latin American collaborative network of ‘Women in Fintech’ on February 5, the selected ambassadors in more than 20 Spanish-speaking countries invited to connect with the most prominent entrepreneurs in Latin America.

The Latin American collaborative network of Women in Fintech was launched in Madrid

The representatives of the fintech cameras from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Spain, Portugal and Venezuela attended the event. They were also accompanied by Spanish ecosystem authorities, as well as representatives of multilateral organizations such as the IDB, UN Women and SEGIB.

María Elena Machado, @melenamachado, was appointed ambassador for Venezuela. She has excelled in the finance sector anchored to new technologies, and is director of International Ecosystems @FinnovatingHub. Machado works together with other leading entrepreneurs, among which are Paula Cárdenas, @ PaulaCardenas4, director of International Ecosystems, @FinnovatingHub@fintechiberoame, @we_fintech.

Commitment to development

Following the objectives of the network, it is appropriate to highlight the words of the directive during the launch: “We detect and strengthen initiatives that contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with special emphasis on: quality of education, gender equality; reduction of inequalities, development and execution of alliances to achieve the objectives.”

Machado has shown her enthusiasm through her social networks for the launch of the “Latin American collaborative network of Women in Fintech, where professionals, companies and agents in the field of diversity, equality and inclusion come together to work in favor of empowering women in Latin America, building bridges and implementing strategic initiatives that enable sustainable development.” It is important to note that Machado is Co-founder / CEO of e4Cash, co-founder and promoter of the Venezuelan Society of Fintech and New Technologies, and Fintech Venezuela (@e4cash , @vefintech).


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