Walmart created a security platform for vegetables

The American chain, using blockchain technology, developed a prevention system to check the origin of vegetables

The company Walmart announced on its official website tthat they will apply blockchain technology in a security system for their vegetables within their facilities.

The US multinational stressed that it was forced to develop this tool in view of the recent outbreak of Salmonella and E. Coli, which generated alert in its customers.

“This year, many customers and shopkeepers were forced to throw large quantities of romaine lettuce when E. coli contamination in lettuce spread through the food industry,” the company said in a statement.

This system was created with the help of IBM. It will be used by the suppliers, who in turn will allow customers to know in real time the origin of the vegetables.

“This change means that the information collected by these suppliers will be open and accessible through technology that offers end-to-end traceability in real time from the farm to the table,” Walmart said.

Finally, the company said that “it is the first step to bring the benefits of open and transparent information to the food industry”.

K. Tovar

Source: Walmart

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