Lovers of online games, through mobile phone, can now enjoy the latest release of Nintendo for iOS and Android, the game Dr. Mario World. The launch came amidst the expectations of brand followers and entertainment enthusiasts.
The Candy Crush online puzzle ecosystem is experiencing a boom thanks to this new Nintendo game that consists of “a new version of the NES and Game Boy classic” adapted to current times.
Dr. Mario World adjusts to the characteristics of the most innovative online games. It offers limited shifts and a variety of levels distributed on a large, downloadable map for free from the iOS App Store as well as from Android’s Google Play.
Players accustomed to puzzles like Candy Crush will find in this new Nintendo product, they will find a scenario in which they must eliminate items – a virus – and to achieve this they must place objects that end with them (pills).
The game has two modes: the adventure mode to play alone and in duel mode to play against other people online. In the first option “the number of attempts to complete each of the 200 available levels is limited, in the online game the difficulty lies in ending the viruses before the opponent.”
Among the Nintendo games with more followers are Pokémon Go and Super Mario Run. The developers of the company have leaked information about the next game on the list, called Pokémon Masters, which was announced for this summer.
Source: Hipertextual