Venezuela honors women empowerment

The theatrical production "Travesía Femenina. Mujer 4.0" will take place on May 8 at the Theater of the Chacao Cultural Center in Caracas with the support of the Venezuelan Human Management Association (HMA)

“Travesía Femenina” is a space that was born in 2017 with the purpose of enhancing the role played by the Venezuelan woman with her combination of roles and contributions. Undoubtedly, Venezuelan woman has established important milestones in the development of the history of the country and new generations.

The theatrical project is led by the actress and coach Mirna González and her entire team, whose objective is to strengthen and demonstrate women’s evolutionary process in four spaces. That is why the piece was called “Mujer 4.0.”

The progress of women in management, business, welfare and full evolution, as well as their role as mothers, professionals, fighters and protagonists of the daily country evolution will be shown in the event that will last three hours.

In the same way, Travesía Femenina 2019 will allow to share with the attending public the achievements of Latin American woman through the experiences of four Venezuelan women from their different contexts.

The public will have the opportunity to know the experiences and anecdotes of successful women providing a different meaning of the evolution of Women 4.0.


Source: NotiTarde

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