USD 75 million in bitcoin will be allocated to projects on privacy

The funds from the Anonymous organization will contribute to the development of user privacy, a key issue in current times

Through a press release the organization called Anonymous, announced the financing that will contemplate support for startups and projects, with the specific objective of protecting “personal data, tools for online anonymity, cryptocurrencies and blockchains”. This operation will be carried out through a financing instance created by the organization, called Unknown Fund as indicated by the organization in the statement.

It is estimated that the fund will be around USD 75,000,000 in bitcoin, intended to strengthen the privacy of users, a key issue in modern times. “The protection of personal data is one of the main challenges for modern man. The use of data has already become a powerful tool for manipulating people. The effectiveness of this tool is surprising and scary,” says the organization.

Although the identity of the members of the organization and investors is unknown, it is known that they are “common and anonymous people from different countries”, who began to meet through the 4chan forum site.

Invulnerability in personal data

In the text, the organization shows as an example the manipulation of personal data, citing the last elections in the United States, in which an organization had access to the data of users of social networks in the search to manipulate its intention to vote. Other common cases of current life were also highlighted as manipulative facts orchestrated by the great corporations of the world. “A perfect example is the level of addiction that the general population has to social networks” says the Anonymous”.

After a recent survey carried out by the search engine focused on privacy DuckDuckGo, the results raise the growing concern of Internet users about the manipulation of personal data waiting on the network, as well as the need to strengthen the privacy of the same for further adoption of bitcoin.

K. Villarroel

Source: infocoin

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