US imports from China fell by 12% the first quarter of the year

According to the OECD, this is the biggest decrease in trade that both countries have had since the records of the same have been kept

In the middle of the commercial war between China and the United States, the latter reduced its imports from the Asian country in the first quarter of the year by 12%.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), this is the biggest decline in history since a registration is being carried out.

On the other hand, they pointed out that globally, US imports fell by 1.9% between January and March compared to the previous quarter, when they had already stagnated between October and December.

Despite all these problems that China is having, it should be noted that its exports in the global scope had a progress of 3.9%. For the group of countries of the G20, imports suffered a fall of 1.2% between January and March, after having decreased 1.5%.

Exports, meanwhile, recovered 0.4% after a cut of 1.2% between October and December. The OECD noted that, due to the strong integration of supply chains with China, other Asian countries have seen seriously resented by frictions with the United States.

K. Tovar

Source: Bancaynegocios

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