Trump and Kim Jong Un could meet again for negotiations

Both nations are finalizing details to celebrate the third summit between the US president and the North Korean leader

The United States and North Korea are maintaining contacts to organize a third summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, South Korean President Moon Jae In said on Tuesday.

“Both parties are holding talks on a third summit,” he said in a written interview with the Yonhap agency and other international agencies, in which he argued that the last summit, held in February in Hanoi, was a failure and that the dialogue process has been stagnant since then.

In this regard, he recalled that Kim and Trump have continuously shown their willingness to dialogue and proof of this have been the letters exchanged in recent weeks.

On the other hand, he confirmed that the inter-Korean dialogue is taking place through various means and has reiterated his willingness to meet again with Kim anytime and anywhere. After his previous contacts, the South Korean president has said he considers the North Korean leader a very flexible but determined person.

He also said that he does not question Kim’s “unequivocal resolution” to “move from the past to the future by opting for economic development instead of the nuclear arsenal.” In this regard, he pointed out that Kim has never linked denuclearization with the alliance between South Korea and the United States or the withdrawal of US troops from South Korean territory.

K. Tovar


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