The Pentagon would be ready for a cyberattack against Russia

This measure would be applied by the US government in the event of electoral manipulation

According to several sources close to the government of the United States, the Pentagon would have a preventive measure ready to avoid a possible intervention in the US elections.

This was stated by The Center of Public Integrity, which collected information from officials and former officials of the security forces who would be familiar with the plan.

The Department of Defense, together with the intelligence agencies, presumably have everything ready to send a cyber counter-attack against Russia, in case some type of interference is discovered in the next elections scheduled for November 6.

All this resulted from an Executive Order signed by the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

In case it occurs, this will be an unprecedented event in the world, for now the authorities are waiting for what may happen.

K. Tovar

Source: Fayer Wayer

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