“The cryptocurrencies will have a great impact”

The US Department of the Treasury issued a report stating that the new finances will bring positive things to the world

On Thursday, the US Department of the Treasury published a report stating that cryptocurrencies will have a positive impact on the new economy.

Also in this letter were established what should be the bureaucratic barriers that must necessarily be eliminated in order to face economic innovation.

Through its report, the Department of the Treasury covered a wide variety of financial terms where cryptocurrencies were added.

“Other technological developments that are ready to have an impact on innovation in financial services include advances in cryptography and distributed accounting technologies, thanks to the increase in blockchain-based networks,” the report detailed.

On the other hand, there was great interest on the part of the authorities towards cryptographic goods in view of their high potential and the exponential growth they showed during 2017.

K. Tovar

Source: Cointelegraph

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