The blockchain will boost the wood sector in Spain

The company ChainWood is developing a software capable of using the chain of blocks in the supply of this material of nature

A company called ChainWood is developing a software that will be able to use the blockchain technology for the supply of wood in Spain.

The Association of Andalusian Foundations (AFA) affirmed through its website that they seek to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

ChainWood aims to help in the search for solutions to solve the limitations that currently exist in the supply chains of wood in Spain, something that has greatly hindered the modernization of the sector.

This blockchain project will use sensory, big data and machine learning to develop a software in the cloud that will improve the transparency and flow of information throughout the supply chain. It will bring advantages for all its stakeholders, from producers to the authorities of control, going through the exploitation, logistics and processing companies.

ChainWood’s operations are configured thanks to the support of eight partners distributed in Galicia, the Community of Madrid, Andalusia, Castilla y León and Asturias.

K. Tovar

Source: AFA

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