Sunacrip will seize unregistered mining equipment

The Official Gazette No. 41,575 issued a resolution establishing the new powers of the Venezuelan superintendence

Through the Official Gazette N ° 41.575 a resolution was published authorizing the National Superintendence of Cryptoactives and Related Activities (Sunacrip) to confiscate unregistered mining equipment.

This is part of the Constituent Decree on the Integral System of Cryptoactives in which the ecosystem of cryptocurrencies in Venezuela is regulated.

“If during the inspection, the acting official detected indications of non-compliance with the obligations set forth in this Constituent Decree, and there are elements that allow presuming that serious injury or difficult repair to the community may be caused, may adopt and execute in the same act, preventive measures aimed at forestalling continued violations of the rules”, says Article 36.

At the moment of being confiscated, the Superintendency will keep the assets in custody, “which, if the measure is final, may be disposed of for social purposes”.

On the other hand, the article also establishes that those affected may request within a period of five working days the revocation, suspension or modification of the measure before Sunacrip.

K. Tovar

Source: BancayNegocios

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