Successful and sustainable entrepreneurship becomes viable with organization

Carlos Quintana, from Consultores Avante, emphasizes that the plan is to guide those who are committed to take action

Setting a good organization and having an efficient plan are not beyond innovation or sustainability in environments of unstable equilibrium. Some authors have defined intelligence as the ability to adapt to changes, since life itself is essentially changing.

In this second conversation and interview conducted together with to Carlos Quintana, founding partner of Consultores Avante – consulting firm in planning processes and organizational transformation as well as strengthening of leadership skills – the expert described the value of the organization, the action plan and, of course, its execution as key elements of every successful venture.

The organization

Perhaps at the beginning, in a basic way, the need for organization arises in parallel to the formulation of the purpose, which defines the “what” of future entrepreneurship to rehearse the answers to the “how” it is going to be done, he explains.

“In the first steps, the organization could be limited to the agreements that people must make to pursue the purpose without interfering with each other. But, as the actions go on, new needs will appear that will demand new forms of organisation.”

“Making a biological metaphor, if the purpose is blood, the organization is the circulatory system of entrepreneurship”

The plan

Quintana recalls that when you know what you want and how to move it forward, it makes sense to think about the most efficient way to perform the necessary tasks. The plan is the guide for the action of those who are committed to a particular venture.

It not only identifies who is responsible for each task, but it places the execution within a timeline and makes it possible for everyone to have a monitoring and evaluation tool for their management, depending on the objectives set, he described.

The execution

According to the founding partner of Avante, paradoxically what closes this conversation and interview is, in fact, the concrete beginning of the entrepreneurial activity. “It is the point where the original idea begins to materialize which led us to work to carry out our dream.”

To execute something is to go to the implementation of what was agreed in the action plan, putting effort and discipline to obtain the expected results at each stage and verify if we are moving towards what we said we wanted to reach, and doing what we said we would do, concludes Carlos Quintana (@CQideas).

“If we could see the entrepreneurial action as a cycle that originated in the emergence of an idea which – going through several stages – opts to become executable according to a plan, we would face a spiral in which such original idea will bring out new ways that will enrich the process by generating, hopefully, improvements and innovations for the benefit of society. We would call that feedback.”

With information from El Sumario

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