Study-related materials may contain malwares

An investigation of the Kaspersky Lab company concluded that hackers are infecting educational documents on the network in order to reach user data

Students, teachers, researchers and other professionals usually download materials, books, essays and even handbooks from the Internet. However, according to Kaspersky Lab researchers, they are increasingly exposed to viruses.

Today, hackers use powerful Trojans that infect essays and other files often used by students to infiltrate the platforms.

According to the researchers, “the attackers affected about 356,000 documents during the school period last year, of which most were downloadable file trials.”

A third of this material were textbooks, although in reality they were malware in disguise. Kaspersky indicates that hackers used the Media Get application, a website to download torrents. The cyber criminals managed to obtain the user’s passwords and passwords by infecting the files with winLNK.Agent.gen malwares, Win32.Agent.ifdx downloaders and the Stalk worm.

Among the researchers’ recommendations, it is important to give preference to physical books and use online libraries. But, those who cannot acquire the original books can also protect themselves when browsing the Internet and downloading files.

In this sense, the recommendations are oriented to review the download links, as well as the URLs of the web pages to consult and the extension of the files.


Source: Tekcrispy

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