Satoshi launches new alliance in Venezuela

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the project, the team signed agreements with Money On Chain, RSK and DefiantApp to bring new products and services to users

Satoshi’s team in Venezuela signed an alliance with Money on Chain, RSK and DefiantApp to celebrate its first year.

This action is aimed at bringing a new range of products and services to the Venezuelan audience, as they seek with this to create a space to be able to disseminate concepts related to cryptocurrencies.

It is planned that a virtual event will be held on August 29 that will be called “DeFi in Bitcoin for Venezuela.

The idea is that those who participate in this live event, can know the basics of these decentralized finance products on bitcoin, but can also learn to use a wallet for these purposes.

Thus, attendees will be able to learn about Dollar on Chain (DoC), a token of parity with the US dollar, and collateralized with BTC; and the Bpro, a token that enjoys “free” leverage derived from the operation of the functions of its own smart contract and its relationship with the DoC.

K. Tovar

Source: Cointelegraph

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