Samsung will manufacture 10nm ASIC chips

The South Korean company will support the Canadian Squire Minning for the development of products that will help mining

With the support of Samsung, the Canadian company Squire Minning announced that it will begin manufacturing 10-nanometer ASICs.

Both companies will also have the support of the South Korean Gaonchips, which will be responsible for designing and developing these chips.

The purpose of these chips will be for the mining of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. After all the necessary tests are done, production on a larger scale will go to Samsung.

An ASIC, or Integrated circuit for specific applications, is a custom made circuit for a particular use, instead of being designed for general purposes, which would be the mining of cryptocurrencies.

The 10 nm chips have an optimal performance in terms of power consumption and working power, however today they have been overshadowed with those of 7nm.

K. Tovar

Source: Squireminnig

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