Russia wants to create its own cryptocurrency

The Federal Assembly of the region will discuss this project in the month of March, as reported by Oleg Nikolaev

The Russian government is considering the possibility of creating a new cryptocurrency law, including the creation of its own digital asset backed by oil.

The Russian Federal Assembly, also known as the State Duma, will be in charge of making the necessary revision and future adoption of the proposal as of March.

Oleg Nikolaev, member of the Economic Policy Committee of the State Duma, was in charge of informing on the stage of the process for the adoption of this new digital asset.

After the approval, the foundations for further development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies will be provided.

This idea is similar to that applied by Nicolás Maduro with the petro, a currency that is backed by the natural riches of Venezuela.

K. Tovar

Source: Coincrispy

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