Responsible innovation and safe technology are keys to business success

During the event “How to live the digital transformation” Rafael Núñez said that it is essential to take efficient security measures to avoid being victims of attacks 

Responsible innovation, business development and secure technology combine to offer a new business perspective that goes hand in hand with the demands of the 21st century and produces successful results.

To learn more about this panorama, various experts joined their experiences and knowledge in the “How to live the digital transformation” forum, organized at the Centro Comercial Líder, in Caracas.

Joantna Moreno, from MT2005, said that “being the best is not synonymous of always being on the top”, so it is important to learn the art of transformation and thereby achieve to extend the life of companies, promote new ways of working, as well as optimize the products and services provided to customers.

For his part, Jesús Hernández, of Abside, emphasized that innovations must be meaningful and based on the real needs of customers, so as not to be displaced in the market by the competition that is focused on it.

Against this background, Rafael Nuñez (Rafa), ethical hacker and CEO of MásQuéDigital and MásQueSeguridad, said that to be part of this new world of technological innovation with a reasonable life expectancy, succeed in business and contribute positively to the society, those involved must take the necessary security measures to avoid being a victim of digital attacks.

He also explained that companies should not disclose in any way the security systems they use, since this will give more opportunity to violate the possible attackers.

At the closure of the event, he also highlighted that although companies can have platforms that allow data and operational protection, they must be under continuous review to address threats that may arise in the future.

Source: DobleLlave

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