Purchases by “BioPago” will be canceled to merchants in Petro

The National Association of Cryptocurrencies informed that payments made with the Venezuelan banking system will be settled through the cryptocurrency

Through a statement sent by Twitter, the National Association of Cryptocurrencies (Asonacrip) informed merchants that payments made through “BioPago” (bio-payments) will be settled in petros.

One of the points highlighted by this organization is that Venezuela would be aiming to become a “crypto-nation.”

Since December, merchants in the country had uncertainty as to how they would get the payment made through “BioPago”, which was discounted from the wallet petros of those who had balance.

On the other hand, the Bank of Venezuela and Sunacrip, informed through a statement that they have initiated a second phase of the petro ecosystem to integrate the “BioPago”, Patria institutions and PetroApp platforms, in order to allow the diversity of operations and products in petros.

K. Tovar

Source: Bancaynegocios

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