Monero Malware affects users of League of Legends in the Philippines

Users have detected the installation on their computers of a malware of mining cryptocurrencies

Users of the game League of Legends in the Philippines have been victims of a cyber attack through which Monero crypto mining malware is installed on the computers. The program is installed when the client downloads from the Garena server.

The information was made known through various means of communication. A Filipino user of Reddit with the pseudonym Lestergonzaga discovered that the popular online game server had been used silently for the mining activity of the Monero cryptocurrency.

The discovery was made by the user after leaving a comment on the game that immediately generated a large number of fan votes. This raised suspicions about malware and users blamed Garena for the fact.

It is not yet known if it is indeed responsible. However, Garena indicated through the Facebook social network that a Java Script code was effectively inserted into the game that affected the users in the Philippines, which allows mining and quickly consumes the resources of the operational unit of the equipment.

The Philippine authorities have not been slow to express their rejection of the cyber attack and have indicated that they are treating it as a serious security case in order to avoid the incursion of hackers into their systems.


Source: Cryptovest

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