Monero launches desktop version of its virtual wallet

The desktop version of wallet 1.0.0 called Hello World is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux as indicated in a statement

The cryptocurrency exchange platform Monero has just launched desktop version 1.0.0 “Hello World” of its virtual wallet MyMonero. It is available for its portfolios compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux.

Users who handle XMR cryptocurrencies will not need to download the entire platform, as they only require access with the same key used in the web platform.

The users have shown satisfaction for the launch but have also raised their questions to the developers about the future offers on the platform.

Undoubtedly, the creation and launch of new applications that facilitate transactions in XMR will be of great help for those interested in entering the finance with digital assets.

The technical data on automatic or manual updates, by reminding users on the screen are part of the aspects studied by those behind the Monero platform, focused on offering efficient help to customers.



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