Mobiles and tablets boost electronic commerce

Users take advantage of the immediacy of the connection they achieve through their portable devices with commercial establishments, offices or banks to carry out their transactions

According to a recent study conducted by the marketing solutions company Salesforce, 60% of the traffic in electronic commerce comes from mobile phones and tablets.

The reasons are the efficiency of wireless connectivity, immediacy in transactions, customer satisfaction with the service assisted by artificial intelligence and robotics, as well as the convenience of being able to do it from wherever clients are.

The consumers have access to unlimited offers with just one click on their mobile device. The Salesforce study highlights the importance of “offering new, innovative and personalized products to win over customers.”

In this sense, it concludes that 69% of consumers look for new products every month in the physical store or online platforms and 75% of searches in the same period are new.

The offer of personalized experiences or in collaboration with other companies,  recommendations from digital assistants and knowing that the store in which they buy donates a percentage of sales to social causes, are important reasons that drive electronic commerce.


Source: Marketing4ecommerce

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