Mexico faces a new form of bank account theft

A new criminal modality is being applied in Mexico, which consists in stealing the money from bank accounts using the card data obtained through a picture of both sides

This modality has become frequent in Mexico, specifically in places where waiters or other employees take the card to another place for the payment procedure, including nightclubs, restaurants and service stations. They take pictures of the front and back of the plastic to obtain clients account and DNI data which is enough to make telephone or online purchases.

The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef in Spanish) warned about this method of theft and recommend people not to lose sight of their plastic when they make payments with their credit or debit card.

If a person is defrauded, he must make the report to the bank that provides their card and go to the competent authorities so that the proper investigation can be initiated to arrest the criminals.

The Condusef also suggests verifying that the amounts coincide because on several occasions charges are added without authorization, including filling or canceling the space destined for the tip on the receipt.

The Mexican security entities exhort people to take care of the cards, especially in times of offers such as those to come by the end of the year.


Source: Fayer Wayer

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