McDonald’s launches MacCoin to celebrate Big Mac’s 50th birthday

The fast food chain with a presence in almost the entire world launched the virtual currency exchangeable for food on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its Big Mac burger

The well-known fast food chain McDonald’s launched the MacCoin currency to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its famous Big Mac hamburger.

Customers will be able to exchange the currency for a free meal from August 3 and for the rest of 2018 in 14,000 commercial establishments in the United States and 50 other countries.

Through an advertisement released by the fast food chain it was learned that more than 6,2 million of these coins are being distributed worldwide with five different designs and in each one a decade of the Big Mac is summarized.

On the front, the coin presents the celebration of the 50th anniversary and on the back it includes elements of music, art and pop culture.

It is important to note that the MacCoin currency lacks cash value. The company has indicated that it can only be redeemed for a free Big Mac at participating McDonald’s restaurants.


Source: Telemundo51

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