Latin American countries agree on solutions to revive their economy

Leaders of the member countries of Prosur will join efforts to stimulate employment and investment in the region

Through a videoconference on Tuesday different Latin American countries that make up the Forum for the Progress of South America (Prosur in Spanish) agreed to join efforts for the reactivation of the economy, thus promoting employment and investment in the region, as indicated by the block of Chile in a statement presented to the Forum.

During the videoconference, different countries expressed their concern to the president of the international organization, Sebastián Piñera, about the economic crisis facing the region due to the pandemic, and indicated that they will create a working group made up of the finance ministries of the South American countries. that make up the block.

The member countries also pledged to move forward with regard to the repatriation of fellow citizens who are isolated abroad and hope to respond to this problem by taking the necessary health precautions and when deemed appropriate, as well as reopening of the borders.

Currently, Prosur is made up of countries that are mostly being severely affected by the pandemic: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, the less affected, also participate in these meetings.

The group was created in March last year in Chile and emerged as a proposal from the heads of state Iván Duque from Colombia, and Sebastián Piñera from Chile. Since its creation, its main objective has been to promote integration in South America, replacing the Union of South American Nations.


Source: Finanzasdigital

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