JD.com will create its own blockchain lab

The Asian company intends to develop its own security protocols tools for users

The Chinese company JD.com announced that it will create its own lab of blockchain technology for the coming years.

As indicated, this space will be assisted by the Ying Wu College of Computing at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) for its preparation.

The intention of the directive is to solve the problems of efficiency and stability, as well as to exploit all the benefits offered by blockchain technology.

The manager of this technology center will be Dr. Jian Pei, president of JD Big Data and Smart Supply Chain, Dr. Qiang Tang, assistant professor in the IT Faculty of Ying Wu in NJIT, and Dr. Zhenfeng Zhang, vice chief engineer at ISCAS.

The laboratory will also host long-term investigations of consensus protocols necessary for the protection of privacy and security of applications.

JD.com was founded by Liu Qiangdong in July 1998, and its retail platform went online in 2004. It currently controls approximately 30% of China’s online market. 

K. Tovar

Source: Globenswire

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