Italy joins the European blockchain association

From the Ministry of Labor, Economic Development and Social Policies the country seeks to provide greater opportunities to citizens and also to public and private companies

Italy joins the group of countries that make up the European Blockchain Association, based in Brussels. The information was released on October 1st by Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Economic Development, Labor and Public Policies.

The decision demonstrates the willingness of the Italian authorities to transfer to citizens, as well as to the public and private companies, the benefits of the blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies already enjoyed by other European countries.

“The main objective of cooperation between Member States will be the exchange of experience in the technical and regulatory field, especially in order to promote users confidence and protection of personal data, help create new business opportunities and establish new leadership areas in the European Union,” said Di Maio.

It is estimated that European investment in these technologies and the development of financial projects currently reaches 80 million euros. The countries of the region consider the benefits of cryptocurrencies positive for society in general.

Italy, now a member of the association, will hire experts in the technical area as well as related regulations to criptocurrencies that help them create new opportunities for investment and development, and strengthen the confidence of citizens in the new policies.


Source: CryptoMagazzine

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