Interbanex started operations on Monday as an exchange platform in Venezuela

The private space for currency exchange will be independent of the Dicom and will function as a parallel option for the acquisition of dollars

The private platform of Interbanex for the exchange of currencies in Venezuela, began its operations this Monday January 28th.

The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) had indicated last Saturday that “Interbanex becomes part of the Exchange Market System in the country, duly authorized to act in it by the authorities of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In the first stage the Banco Occidental de Descuento (BOD) will be the only authorized bank for the operations, although it is expected that with the passage of time the other institutions will be added.

This platform will only be for private banks, so no state institution can participate and it will not have any relationship with the Dicom.

“With Interbanex, what we want is that people can see the depth of the order book, how they cross, and can trace all operations guaranteeing maximum transparency, under a free market mechanism. There will be premarket, market and postmarket“, they detailed.

K. Tovar

Source: BancayNegocios

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