After a study carried out by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and its innovation laboratory, IDB Lab on “Technocreative Entrepreneurships. Creativity and technology, allies or enemies?”, IDB Lab was able to identify the use of technology in 50 creative and cultural industries from 11 countries, known in the market as dominant companies of the Orange Economy, mostly located in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In this regard, head of the IDB Lab knowledge unit, María Elena Nawar, says: “For us it is key to identify the trends and profiles of innovators in the region in order to help our countries to scale more and more and better innovative prototypes that help contribute to the growth of the region with value-added products ”.
The use of technologies in these industries is increasing with the passage of time, mainly in the Latin American and Caribbean continent who occupy the second place after Asia, in terms of growth of the videogames sector.
Many of the leading ventures in the world are part of the creative and cultural industries (ICC) and use key technological skills in their design or functionality to bring their creations to life.
Among the most outstanding technologies are: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, blockchain, cryptographic token and facial recognition, among others. Among them, the most used were artificial intelligence and Machine Learning and between the two it is expected to increase the investment to 20% by 2025, generating an industry of US $ 232,000 million, a figure that far exceeds the 2018 investment that was quoted in US $ 12.4 billion, according to KPMG data.
Source: digitaldigital