ICC launches blockchain to improve distribution chain

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) decided to integrate blockchain into its system in partnership with Perlin Net Group

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has partnered with the new Perlin block-tokenized chain, which has not yet launched its blockchain network.

Through this association, the largest corporate chamber in the world makes decentralized technology available to its 45 million members, including Fedex, Amazon, Coca Cola, PayPal, among many others.

The organization will announce the alliance to add users to the Perlin platform. The association is called the ICC Blockchain / DLT Alliance and will allow companies to explore Perlin’s tool to improve the supply chain and simplify cross-border trade.

It is worth noting that the ICC is the body in charge of coordinating the Chambers of Commerce in 130 countries representing 45 million companies around the world.

With the aforementioned union there is a future potential for the Chamber to act as a reliable intermediary for the blockchain platform for a modest fee.


Source: Criptomonedaseico

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