IBM requests patent blockchain to collaborate with science

The patent application states that the scientific research process can benefit from the chain of blocks. The idea is that the scientific data and results be more secure against tampering

The team-led application at IBM’s Watson Research Center presents a vision for dynamic collaboration in which researchers can trace their work across institutional boundaries. It’s another distributed accounting technology app which IBM has promoted in recent months.

This license can be considered as an elaborated record of software changes, but for science, or as indicated by the presentation, a system that provides a record of tamper-proof scientific research.

The permit is titled “Blockchain for Open Scientific Research” and was first presented in December 2017. IBM researchers Jae-wook Ahn, Maria Chang, Patrick Watson and Ravindranath Kokku are some of the inventors.

IBM is not the only group that works in the application of block technology to the scientific field. A pool of experts based in Berlin, Blockchain for Science, held its first international conference recently.


Source:  DiarioBitcoin

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