IBM and Maersk promote their blockchain shipping system

The giants of computing and commerce said that more than 94 companies, suppliers, among others, use their logistics platform

The companies IBM and Maersk assured on Thursday that the platform of shipments based on blockchain technology has been used by at least 94 corporations, suppliers, ports, authorities, banks and logistics companies.

In 2017, the two giants of technology and commerce came together to develop a startup blockchain to improve the efficiency of Maersk’s shipments. From this idea was born TradeLens, a beta that will be open to the public from the last months of 2018.

Thanks to this program, IBM’s production has also been showing high growth rates. Until now, TradeLens has handled 154 shipping events, 25 maritime terminals, 11 million container trips and five million shipments.

Approximately 20 ports where Maersk operates are using this program. The use of technology blockchain in the world continues to expand and each day is adapted to new aspects of everyday life.

The companies commented that in this beta version, the documentation problems would have decreased while the transaction speed would have increased.

K. Tovar

Source: PortalPortuario

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