Huawei asks Verizon to pay for licenses

The Chinese manufacturer required Verizon to pay fees for the use of its telecommunications equipment patent licenses

The tensions between the Chinese manufacturer and the United States continue to give much to talk about and as time passes they intensify. Now, Huawei has demanded the payment of licensing fees for more than 200 of its patents.

Such licenses range from the core network infrastructure, Internet of Things (IoT) technology and Huawei fixed line infrastructure.

It is worth emphasizing that last week both companies, Huawei and Verizon, sent their representatives to a meeting that was held in New York City where they discussed the terms of the licenses of the aforementioned patents. However, until now, no company has commented on it.

It is possible that Huawei’s demand is an attempt by the Chinese manufacturer to extend the deployment time of next-generation wireless technology in the United States. The firm has been forced to redouble its efforts to replace the agreements that were suspended.

Also, Huawei revealed that it will cancel the launch of its Matebook X laptop due to the ban, since this device is powered by Intel chips and Microsoft software.


Source: Tekcrispy

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