Google Maps trains its platform with more detailed maps

The changes generated range from showing pedestrian crossings to improved integration with VTC

The Google Maps map service introduced several new features and began to show the location of the number of steps taken by pedestrians, although at the moment only in some cities. In addition, the integration with VTC services such as Uber is in test mode.

The changes, which have been applied in the beta version 10.56.0 of the service as indicated by Android Police, have a new section in the menu “VTC services”, among which only Uber has support for the moment.

The integration with these services was improved and now the user can send the information about their route to get a more accurate estimate of how much the trip will cost.

Also, the beta of the application began the display of additional information on the maps, such as the number of buildings.

In addition, it will reveal the position of more pedestrian crossings, a feature that has been in place since August, but is limited to only a few cities.

Source: doblellave

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