Germany will seek to reduce energy consumption by 2030
The German government wants the reduction rate to be approximately 30% as indicated by the Ministry of Economy
The Government of Germany adopted a strategy with the goal of reducing energy consumption considerably until 2030 in the country.
In this way, an objective for 2030 is defined for the first time, as specified by the Ministry of Economy. Until then, the so-called use of primary energy should be reduced by 30% compared to 2008.
The German Economy Minister, Peter Altmaier, explained that greater energy efficiency is the key to linking economic growth, an energy supply prepared for the future and environmental protection.
Altmaier said that in recent years the economic growth of energy use could be decoupled. The minister considered that the reduction of energy consumption is a prerequisite for the success of the transformation of the energy system and the protection of the climate in Germany, together with the greater expansion of renewable energies.
The approved strategy indicates that only through a continuous increase in energy efficiency can energy transformation and environmental protection be achieved in a “cost effective and efficient” manner.
In addition, he points out that the objective is to consume and pay less energy even with increasing added value, to be able to produce in a more competitive and sustainable way and to live cheaper.
Energy efficiency should also protect consumers from energy bills that are too high, for example by setting minimum standards for products or making energy consumption visible.
K. Tovar
Source: dpa