Germany creates robots to avoid catastrophes

The Technological Institute of Karlsruhe, located in Germany, developed automata designed to give answers in dismantling nuclear power plants, among other things

The robots could become a major support in the future during complicated rescue operations, according to researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) when they presented a report on the potential of these systems in “hostile environments.”

Experts say that apprenticeship systems can be used in catastrophes, in the dismantling of nuclear power plants, in the maintenance of wind turbines or underwater inspections.

“The use of artificial intelligence is associated with enormous opportunities for our society,” said the president of the German institute, Holger Hanselka, during the presentation.

At present, mobile robots and other technological systems are already used in these environments, for example in space, on the high seas or in contaminated areas. However, very few of them are capable of reacting independently to new challenges, said Hanselka.

According to the report, learning robots will be able to “understand” complex situations in the future and adapt to changing situations without needing to be reprogrammed.

According to the researchers, these automaton could support people in dangerous situations and thus significantly reduce the risks for first responders.

K. Tovar

Source: dpa

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