EU works on project to create robot plants

The goal of the research is to see how far the idea of bio-hybrids can go as a basis for filling greener cities

Under the name of “Robotic Flora” the European Union unveiled its research of four years, funded in the framework of the Proactive Action and Future and Emerging Technologies Horizon 2020.

The project, which runs from April 2015 to March 2019, aims to develop and investigate closely related symbiotic relationships between robots and natural plants and explore the potentials of a society (robot-plant) capable of producing architectural artifacts and spaces of life.

For this reason, a series of hybrid robots will be created that will function as a embodied cognitive system, self-organized and distributed. This system will grow and develop over long periods of time in interaction with human beings, leading to the creation of significant architectural structures.

These artificial plants are constructed from small heterogeneous detection and performance modules connected by lightweight construction elements. Each robotic plant connects wirelessly to the Internet. Robots and plants grow together from the bud to the adult stage and form a closely co-dependent and self-organized system.

For this the natural capacity of the plants would be united with the direction of the robots, thus taking the best decisions. For example: a bio-hybrid could be able to grow parts of its body to capture the rays of the sun and in the future we could enjoy an urban architecture where it is possible to grow fruits and vegetables near buildings with huge vertical gardens.

N. Moncada

Source: CriptoTendencia

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