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Venezuela must recognize the "serious ideological and political errors" in which both government officials and opponents have made, in addition to making major changes to regain its place as a prosperous economy in the world. This was stated by the economist Orlando Ochoa through his account on the…

Economic activity in Venezuela fell 2.2 %

The Venezuelan Finance Observatory reported that "economic activity in Venezuela fell 2.2 % in the second quarter of 2021", registering a total of 25 consecutive quarters in the fall in the economic activity index. However, the reported…

Goldman Sachs revenue grew 13% in 2020

The US investment bank Goldman Sachs posted an attributable net profit of $ 8.915 billion for the whole of 2020, which is equivalent to an increase of 13% compared to the previous year's earnings, despite the impact on its balance sheet of…

Tax policies for cryptocurrencies in the world

The cryptocurrency boom reaches practically every corner of the planet. And just as transactions increase, so does the uncertainty regarding the payment of taxes for said operations. Countries with a more solid crypto market tend to orient…

BoFa showed a profit decrease of about 48%

Bank of America recorded a net attributable profit of $ 3,541 million in the first quarter of 2020, which represents a decrease of 48.4% compared to the result obtained by the entity in the same period of the previous year, after the bank…