Ethereum will provide support to women in Afghanistan

Code To Inspire is the name of the organization that will pay students to detect software flaws and correct corporate vulnerabilities

Code To Inspire (CTI) is the name of a non-profit Afghan organization that is seeking to break down gender barriers and dignify women in the country, through education, economic independence and professional growth.

CTI set itself the goal of teaching women to codify and recently announced that it will pay at Ethereum those students who detect software failures and correct vulnerabilities of companies or web projects.

Fereshteh Forough, director of CTI, said she considered “good to have digital literacy or financial education, knowledge, especially for women in Afghanistan who are limited to access a lot of financial resources, such as banks.”

However, the initiative must face several obstacles. The main one, the lack of cryptocurrency exchange houses in Afghanistan. So, even if the students at ETH are paid, they would find it difficult to convert their digital money into legal tender.

Forough explained about this that “even now, when they are keeping cryptocurrencies in any form, there are still the same challenges of how we can exchange them with the local currency or dollars.” In addition, Afghans often do not trust financial institutions in charge of converting currencies. Instead, they prefer to use sarafis, people who take care of this change personally.

However, the organization is helping digital currencies to be incorporated into the Arab country; and although the process may seem slow, the possibility that cryptocurrency sarafis may become popular in the future, and the adoption of digital assets become easier, can’t be ruled out.

N. Moncada

Source: Coindesk

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