Discord and Slack cryptocurrencies users hit by new malware

OSX.Dummy malware can access users' system and activate remote code execution

A new cyber attack affects cryptocurrencies’ users of Discord and Slack chat services. It is the MacOS malware called OSX.Dummy. If the hacker succeeds in accessing the victim’s operating system, he can activate the code remotely.

The way criminals operate in the network is to infiltrate the chats that involve cryptocurrencies and pose as administrators or influencers of projects in these digital currencies to attract the attention of users of these services.

After downloading a malicious binary file of only 34 megabytes, the hackers are capable of stealing users’ credentials. Cyber security experts concerning the network admit that the procedure is very simple, similar to the old malware models.

However, the consequences are the same as in the dissemination a sophisticated virus that affects the accounts of users, stealing personal data and in this particular case, the assets in cryptocurrencies that may be involved through the chats.

Regarding the platforms for these services, new authentication mechanisms are imposed to prevent and avoid attacks with malware of any type and intensity as well as to protect customers.


Source: Coincrispy

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