Digital currencies will not be the responsibility of the State in Ukraine

The Ministries of Digital Transformation of the European country announce the news

Ukrainian authorities claimed that the crypts available in the territory are not the responsibility of the Government. Despite their participation in the development of the country’s economy they are far from being considered a financial alternative for the State.

They also said that this does not affect the growth of crypto assets at all, because the Ukrainian regulatory agency promises to start with the relevant tests to certify the most appropriate management of digital assets, with the aim of yielding the expected results.

Despite the decision, Ukraine has been developing protection policies for this important sector. As an example, it could be mentioned thar at the end of 2019 a law was approved that deals with money laundering whose operations are based on cryptocurrencies. This decree obtained a good acceptance by the users involved.

Currently, the European country is still looking for the necessary tools to carry out a type of “direct” financial follow-up, although experts say that digital currencies do not need State supervision.

However, it is almost impossible for the Government to stop being aware of the commercialization of digital currencies in the territory.


Source: Technology

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