Czech energy sector will accept payments in cryptocurrencies

The natural gas company Pražská Plynárenská has indicated they will accept payments from customers in Bitcoin by June

The Czech Republic joins the trend of cryptocurrency transactions by accepting Bitcoin payments through the main natural gas supplier Prazska Plynarenska as of June. It is a crucial decision that places the country at the forefront in the region.

The Czech company seeks to modernize its infrastructure to adapt to the demands of the new digital economy, in addition to engaging the younger generations. In this regard, local media have reported that Prazska Plynarenska customers will be able to pay their monthly fees in Bitcoin.

The transactions in cryptocurrencies will work in the following manner: Upon entering the website of the company, users will be remitted to a new payment platform where the option to do it in cryptocurrency will be displayed. They will have two options: Kosuna, the Czech currency, and Bitcoin.

Once the payment is processed the Bitcoin will not be retained. In fact, they will become a fiduciary currency that can even be the euro. This was announced by representatives of the company.

The natural gas company is the first in its area to accept payments in Bitcoin. However, other businesses already have  been doing it since the beginning of the year, offering buyers lower transaction rates than credit cards. Undoubtedly, an attraction that has boosted sales.


Source: CSPnoticias

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