On the island of Cuba, a group of young students took the initiative to create a web service to buy cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoins. The system was called Fusyona and allows the exchange for Cuban pesos.
It was known that the system is not automated and its execution is done manually. Users interested in entering the world of cryptocurrencies should send an email specifying data such as the amount of digital currency they want, the province of origin and a contact telephone number.
For the operation to crystallize, the “agents” of Fusyona are necessary for a subsequent meeting with the buyer in a public area that has Internet via WiFi. During this meeting, the client delivers the money in cash as well as the public key of his portfolio and receives the BTC. The last step is the confirmation of the transfer.
According to information obtained from the creators, it is a group of four students as well as an investor. On the acceptance of cryptocurrencies by the Cuban people, they indicated that they still do not have enough information about digital currency, which represents a challenge for buying and selling.
The ambition of the group is to become the first crypto exchange in Cuba, once the information mechanisms are accelerated and both the authorities and the population assimilate the benefits of electronic commerce.
Source: Infocoin
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